Isaiah's King of Babylon
By Mahlon Wickey  September, 2015

We are all familiar with the term "Babylon" that is mentioned many times in our KJ Bibles.  History tells us that Babylon was an ancient city in the land of Mesopotamia whose ruins are found about 60 miles southwest of Baghdad in Iraq, and was founded as the capital of 10 dynasties in Mesopotamia.  The first records of history indicate that Babylon was established as a city around the 23rd century BC, and before this it was a provincial capital ruled by the kings of the city of Ur.  History also tells us that Babylon was one of the earliest "cradles" of civilization and the birthplace of astrology and certain writings and literature, but also the birthplace of the FAITH and practice known as religious "ritualism".  History also says that EVERY organized system of religion in the world today has "traces" of the religious FAITH of ancient Babylon. 

The term "Babylon" is found 294 times in the KJ Bible, and this fact tells us that there is a DIVINE significance and importance about this ancient city of Babylon.  Babylon is spoken of the majority of times by the prophet Jeremiah, and the term "King of Babylon" is spoken of 135 times in the KJ Old Testament; which of course refers to human kings that ruled over the ancient city of Babylon.  But in almost all biblical examples Nebuchadnezzar was named as the king of Babylon. 

The purpose of this article is to address as to WHY the ancient city of Babylon is of such DIVINE significance and importance in our KJ Bibles.  There are many articles found on the internet on the subject of Babylon, and also on the king of Babylon spoken of in Isaiah 14.  I have read articles that claim Isaiah was NOT describing the king of Babylon but was INSTEAD describing Adam.  But as we shall see, these certain articles are based on obvious human speculations and opinions. 

I want to say that this article will ALSO be based on my own personal speculations and opinions, and it will be written ONLY for what it’s worth to others.  It will NOT be written to make the CLAIM that this is now the TRUTH on Isaiah’s king of Babylon, but certain internet articles do indeed make the erroneous claim as being the TRUTH about Isaiah’s king of Babylon! 

The theological mistake people make is that they tend to BELIEVE that certain articles are explaining the divine INTENT and TRUTH of scripture since certain men are very skilled to "explain" certain scriptures to supposedly "prove" their point.  We should be very careful on well written articles that "seem" to prove the divine INTENT and TRUTH of certain scriptures! 

Since I could be mistaken with certain statements in this article I simply want to provide the theological possibilities, and I do NOT want to give the impression that this article will indeed explain the divine intent and truth of inspired scripture.  No man is able to CORRECTLY explain the "hidden" meanings of inspired scripture since EVERY man is a LIAR, but let God be TRUE (Rom 3:4).  Yes, when we attempt to explain the TRUE meanings of inspired scripture we "naturally" have to speculate based on our own human opinions.  But if (yes, IF) we are honest with ourselves we will KNOW in our hearts that we do NOT truly understand what we are attempting to explain. 

It is obvious that the KJ Bible was written with much symbolism and figurative language for a divine PURPOSE, and we are not able to correctly interpret this symbolism and figurative language.  We only ASSUME that we know the correct interpretation, but we "naturally" DO NOT KNOW since we are all LIARS by our own "natural" sinful human nature. 

There is a "history" side of the KJ Bible that of course can be understood by the "natural" mind, but there is a "symbolism" side of the KJ Bible that points to spiritual realities that are divinely "hidden" from the "natural" mind.  These spiritual realities CANNOT be expressed and explained by written words; they can only be FELT in the heart INSPIRED as "spiritual" thoughts by the Holy Spirit of a sovereign God.  This is WHY an all-knowing sovereign God in His divine WISDOM has "hidden" from the "natural" mind the precious TRUTH of certain scriptures for a divine PURPOSE!  Therefore we can only speculate and express our flawed human opinions on what we "naturally" ASSUME what certain scriptures are TRULY saying. 

The many references in our KJ Bibles that speak of Babylon makes this city obviously very famous, but these references generally show something unfavorable (ungodly) about the ancient city of Babylon; which points to an ungodly FAME. 

The Hebrew meaning for Babylon is H894 and H1101; which means to OVERFLOW with "confusion" and also to "mix".  But since Babylon was ungodly, "adulterate" would be a better word than the word "mix", and adulterate means "to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance".  Babylon is where the OVERFLOW of "religious" confusion was founded, and became "adulterated" with the impure and inferior MIXTURE of ungodly rituals and customs.  This "adulterated" ungodly MIXTURE caused all modern forms of religious worship, and also explains the CONFUSION that caused our modern churches to be DIVIDED with the mixture of "Christian" doctrines, customs, and "religious" rituals.  ALL deceptions about the TRUE God are rooted deeply in ALL forms of "religious" worship with ALL the rituals, customs, and beliefs. 

An article on the internet explains that the name "Babylon" comes from "babilani"; which in the Akkadian language at that time meant "Gate of the Gods".  This would explain why Babylon was the birthplace of the "gods" of ALL pagan religions and pagan customs.  These "gods" with the MIXTURE of rituals and customs are all designed to cause "religious" confusion, and these "gods" did NOT disappear through the centuries, but are worshipped and obeyed in our modern evil deceived world/age.  Of course, common sense tells us that these "gods" are NOT REAL; they are only imagined in deceived hearts, which is simply known as "idol" worship when certain rituals and customs are practiced as "religious" FAITH. 

History also says that the practice of "divination" was a major belief of the famous and ancient city of Babylon, and obviously this form of worship influenced the nation of Israel to worship and OBEY false gods, which led to the downfall and captivity of Israel.  The word "divination" comes from the Latin word "divinare"; which means "to foresee" or to be "inspired by a god."  To practice "divination" is to uncover hidden knowledge by supernatural "methods" (with the "help" and worship of false gods), and is associated with fortune-telling and soothsaying. 

It is also obvious that the false gods of the famous and ancient city of Babylon have an influence on the FAITH of modern Christianity, and yes, most modern churches "practice" certain "religious" RITUALS that are a part of their Christian FAITH.  I believe the practice of the RITUALS known as "water baptism" and "holy communion" came from the "religious" FAITH of the Catholic Church; which as we all know, is all about the "practice" of ritualism!  The FAITH in catholic rituals could indeed date back to the "Gate of the Gods" of the ancient city of Babylon.  Oh, but you say these are "Christian" rituals since they most certainly were practiced by the early New Testament believers.  Sure, the ritual of water baptism was indeed practiced by the early believers, but they were more or less involved with TEMPLE service, and in Acts 19:2 some did NOT even KNOW about the Holy Spirit!  But they had TOTAL FAITH in the POWER of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! 

I believe the ritual of water baptism came from the laws of "holy washings" of temple service that the "Jewish" believers STILL observed.  Our modern churches deliberately IGNORE that the RITUAL of "holy communion" was COPIED from an Israelite/Jewish ritual that was practiced many centuries BEFORE the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!  Carefully read the links, "Baptism" and "Communion" on my web site. 

Yes, the ancient city of Babylon ALSO had laws of temple service in sacrificing to the false gods of pagan rituals and customs, and it is obvious that Israel departed from the TRUE God when they ALSO sacrificed to the false gods of ancient Babylon.  Israel was deceived to worship "under every green tree" (found 10 times in the KJ Old Testament), and IF we are honest this pagan costume is a major part of the custom known as "Christmas" that is LOVED and OBEYED in this evil deceived world/age.  Carefully read what Genesis 10:8-10 explains about a certain very FAMOUS man called Nimrod…. 

KJV (8) And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. (9) He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. (10) And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. 

The term, "before the LORD" (H6440) was translated many times as "in the presence of the LORD".  Nimrod as a "mighty one" obviously taught certain teachings that were "skillfully" MADE to be accepted and believed as GODLY teachings simply because they were all FOUNDED in the "presence" of the LORD!  Nimrod’s false and pagan teachings can be traced in ALL the history of religious worship, and also ALL of today’s religious worship.  Since ALL false worship was FOUNDED in the "presence of the LORD" by Nimrod, then obviously there is a temporary (yes, temporary) divine purpose for false worship! 

The term "Babel" (Gen 10:10) has the SAME meaning as the term "Babylon" (H894).  Here is a short quote about Nimrod from an article on the internet…. "Nimrod—an opposer of God, a king of Babel, and a constructor of cities—undoubtedly shared in building the tower of Babel"

Nimrod was a "mighty HUNTER" (Gen 8:9) as an "opposer of God", and he could be called the FIRST king of Babel/Babylon that "hunted" (NOT animals), but "hunted" ungodly worship that OPPOSED true worship of the TRUE God,  But keep in mind, Nimrod still "hunted" in the "presence" of the LORD! 

Legends of history show that the pagan customs of Christmas and Easter came from the false teachings of Nimrod, but some research is required, which this article will not do.  Again, I want to mention that the nation of Israel was deceived to worship "under every green tree"; which was done in mockery to make the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" into (yes, INTO) the symbolic "tree of life"!  This false worship HAD to be done UNDER a GREEN tree (a "living" tree); which pointed to the sacrificial "gifts" ("sacrificed" as Christmas gifts) that were carefully placed UNDER (to be COVERED and protected) by the "tree of life" in the midst of the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:9). 

As we all know, the "practice" of Christmas is very popular in this evil deceived world/age; which is simply this pagan custom known as the worship of "under every green tree".  Yes, people of the whole world truly LOVE this "beautiful" time of Christmas that "tugs at the heart", and they LOVE to decorate the "green tree" with special lights and ornaments to make it beautiful and "pleasant to the eyes" as a tree to be DESIRED (Gen 3:6). 

The false worship of "Easter" can also be traced in true history to the "Gate of the Gods" of the ancient city of Babylon with the "Easter bunny" and the colored eggs in worship to the "gods of fertility".  This custom is designed for children as a "practice" done in MOCKERY of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!  You see, little children have to be taught with this "mixture of confusion" to keep this pagan FALSE worship "alive and well" throughout their adulthood.  Yes, little children LOVE the "gifts" under the green tree, and they LOVE the CUTE "Easter bunny" and they LOVE to "hunt" (as Nimrod did) the many "hidden" colored eggs in HONOR to the gods of "fertility"; which could also be called the gods of "sexual perversion". 

Yes, these two customs (including Halloween) started at the "Gate of the Gods" in the ancient city of Babylon by Nimrod, the FIRST king of Babylon that HUNTED false worship with all the RITUALS that were all FOUNDED in the "presence of the LORD"!  But please understand; just because it was founded in the "presence of the LORD" does NOT make it TRUE Godly worship! 

Children LOVE to be dressed as "ghosts" and "witches" to scare people at NIGHT to "trick" them as "punishment" IF there is NO "treat" of candy to "please" evil spirits!  This custom is designed to be at NIGHT in HONOR to the imagined mysterious DARK world of evil spirits.  We are talking about the REALITY of false worship in today’s REAL "religious" world done in MOCKERY of TRUE Godly worship!  Keep in mind that these pagan customs were "hunted" and introduced as religious worship by the mighty FIRST king of Babylon in the "presence of the LORD"! 

History also tells us at the time of the prophet Isaiah the famous and ancient city of Babylon was one of the largest and most important cities of that known world with tremendous wealth and power!  Bible scholars agree that Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon at the time of Isaiah.  Starting in Isaiah 13:1 Isaiah foretold of the total downfall and destruction of Babylon, and he also said that Babylon was the "glory of kingdoms" and the "beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency"…. 

Isaiah 13:19 KJV And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. 

But the worship of false gods made it an ungodly glory and an ungodly beauty and excellency!  This king of Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar) had a heart of ungodly self-glory along with the ungodly glory of HIS kingdom, and his ungodly "glorious" RULE over the famous and ancient city of Babylon! 

But it is very obvious that Isaiah used much symbolism to describe the total downfall and destruction of Babylon along with this evil ruling king of Babylon that was filled with his OWN self-glory and his OWN self-pride.  The biblical principle is that a ruling king is INCLUDED with his kingdom, and when the total downfall and destruction of Babylon was foretold then most certainly the total downfall and destruction of this evil ruling king of Babylon at that time must also be INCLUDED. 

But certain men today have a "problem" with this king of Babylon as actually BEING the king of Babylon because of the symbolism (as a proverb) that Isaiah was inspired to use…. 

Isaiah 14:4 KJV That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased! 

So the obvious question would be this; just WHO was the oppressor (tyrant and dictator) that was prophesied to CEASE when HIS "golden city" of Babylon would CEASE as being the city of much importance of that known world with tremendous wealth and power?  To be honest, it HAD to be this evil king of Babylon and his evil RULE that was prophesied to CEASE. 

We should carefully look at this word "proverb" (H4912).  It means in the sense of superiority spoken as a "pithy maxim" in a metaphorical nature, and the term "maxim" is defined as a "short pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct".  Isaiah’s proverb was symbolically explaining the general truth and rule of conduct of this evil king that ruled over Babylon that believed he was superior (as a god).  But the major point is this; it was written as a "metaphor", which is defined as a figure of speech that is NOT literally applicable to anyone!  This is very important to understand! 

This evil ruling king of Babylon was NOT literally superior (as a god), and the terms of POWER he was given (as a proverb) were NOT literally applicable to this evil king.  We should not ignore this all important word "proverb", and WHY Isaiah was INSPIRED to use this word!  But the TRUE theological INTENT of this "proverb" is obviously ignored by certain men simply because they believe that Isaiah was not (yes, NOT) describing this ACTUAL evil ruling king of Babylon at that time in history! 

I will not display the entire proverb that Isaiah pronounced on this evil ruling king of Babylon, but we do need to carefully read, study, and BELIEVE the symbolism of Isaiah 14:12-14…. 

KJV (12) How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! (13) For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: (14) I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 

As I mentioned, certain men today believe and teach that Isaiah was NOT truly describing this evil ruling king of Babylon, but was INSTEAD describing "Lucifer" that represented Adam.  They believe the things that Isaiah wrote were literally applicable to "Lucifer" and to Adam.  But the problem is; this PROVERB could NOT literally APPLY to ANYONE, including this evil ruling king of Babylon at that time in history!  "Lucifer" was a name "invented" by the KJ translators simply because they believed in a pre-historic powerful RULING so-called "angel" that rebelled against God, and then "fell" from "heaven" and became "Satan the devil" that mysteriously appeared as the mysterious "serpent" in the Garden of Eden. 

A certain Hebrew word (H3213) included with "Lucifer" simply means to "howl", but some KJ Bibles do NOT display this Strong’s Concordant number (H3213).  Isaiah simply told this evil ruling king of Babylon to "howl" when he "fell" from the "heaven" of his "lofty" self-glory and self-pride, declaring that he would be like the "Most High" (God).  The term "Heaven" (H8064) simply means to be "lofty".  Here is the CORRECT translation of Isaiah 14:12 in the Concordant Literal Version…. 

CLV How you have fallen from the heavens! Howl, son of the dawn! You are hacked down to the earth, defeater of all nations! 

The word "Howl" is mentioned INSTEAD of "Lucifer", but "son of the dawn" (written as a proverb) was NOT literally applicable to this evil ruling king!  Please understand, "Lucifer" NEVER EXISTED!  Carefully read the link, "Lucifer" on my web site. 

IF Isaiah was indeed describing the "lofty" heart of ADAM then the problem is that there is no evidence that Isaiah 14:4-20 was describing anything that happened in the Garden of Eden!  It is never explained WHY a sovereign God waited over 3000 years to describe the "lofty" heart of ADAM as a "proverb" that was NOT designed to literally be applicable to anyone!  It is also never explained HOW Adam CEASED as the OPPRESSOR (tyrant and dictator) to the "golden city" of Babylon that CEASED from being a famous important city with tremendous wealth and power.  Again, I want to mention the very VALID point that should NOT be ignored; the RULE of a king CEASES when (yes, WHEN) his kingdom CEASES! 

Other translations call "Lucifer" as the day-star, shining one, bright morning star, son of the morning, etc.  We all know that these are symbolic terms of POWER and authority that points to the BRIGHTNESS of the "light" (of TRUE understanding).  Jesus Christ is called the "morning star", and He will give this most precious title of POWER and authority known as the "morning star" to TRUE believers that TRULY "overcome"…. 

Revelation 2:26-28 KJV (26) And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: (27) And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. (28) And I will give him the morning star

Revelation 22:16 KJV I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. 

The very important point is that the evil ruling king of Babylon was ALSO called by these terms of POWER and authority, but ONLY in symbolic language as a PROVERB!  I want mention again; these terms of POWER and authority were NOT literally applicable to this evil ruling King of Babylon!  Other translations explain that Isaiah wrote this proverb as a "bitter song", "make fun of", "take up this taunt", "mock", "song of mockery", etc.  Please understand; Isaiah was INSPIRED by a sovereign God to make fun of, to mock, to taunt, etc, this evil ruling king to INSULT him since he WANTED to be "like the Most High" with his "lofty" heart of self-glory and self-pride! 

Adam was the FIRST sinful man, and therefore Adam could be called the "Federal Head" that represented ALL of sinful mankind; which theologically puts ALL of sinful mankind "in Adam".  Of course, Adam also represented this ONE evil ruling king that was the tyrant and dictator of the famous and ancient city of Babylon at that time in history.  Jesus Christ was the SECOND man that could also be called the "Federal Head" that represented ALL mankind to eventually be "in Christ" for all mankind to be SAVED.  Adam’s sin caused the physical and spiritual death of all mankind (including Isaiah’s evil ruling king of Babylon) because "in Adam" ALL die, and eventually the SAME ALL will be "in Christ" to be made alive (saved).  Notice what these two scriptures are TRULY saying…. 

1 Corinthians 15:47 KJV The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. 

1Corinthianns 15:22 KJV For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 

Of course, the RESULT of Adam’s sinful downfall theologically DESCRIBES and represents ALL of sinful mankind!  So WHY would Isaiah use just this ONE evil ruling king (as some believe) to describe and represent Adam’s downfall?  Please understand; Adam WAS Adam, and the King of Babylon WAS the king of Babylon!  There was indeed the downfall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, but there was indeed ALSO the downfall of this evil ruling king of Babylon at that time in history! 

Adam was given dominion (rule) over all the earth (Gen 1:26), and therefore the terms "son of the dawn", "day-star", etc, could be literally applicable to Adam!  This is WHY Adam could NOT be called these terms of power and authority in a mocking INSULTING manner as a proverb!  But Adam as the FIRST sinful man was destined to LOSE his dominion, but Jesus Christ as the SECOND man will NOT lose the glorious title of "morning star", and it will be given to believers that OVERCOME that "shall shine as the brightness of the firmament"; which is the brightness of STARS that God placed in the "firmament"…. 

Daniel 12:3 KJV And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever 

These terms of power and authority could NOT be applied to Adam or to Jesus Christ in a mocking insulting manner written as a PROVERB, but they could be APPLIED to the "lofty" heart of Isaiah’s evil ruling king of Babylon; which it was! 

Adam and Eve were "one flesh" BEFORE they SINNED, and whatever the sin WAS I believe it CAUSED this "one flesh" union to be BROKEN!  Notice that Adam was NOT deceived…. 

1Timothy 2:14 KJV And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 

Adam of course DID sin, but he was NOT deceived into sin, so therefore he deliberately chose to sin knowing FULLY WELL what he was doing!  Notice 2Corinthians 11:3…. 

KJV But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 

Eve was beguiled (G1818); which means "seduced wholly", and "seduce" was used in scripture to simply mean deceive.  But the term "beguiled" could also be defined as to be "charmed" in a very deceptive way!  It could therefore be said that Eve was "charmed" to commit a certain sin, but WHAT this sin actually WAS is "hidden" in symbolism for a divine purpose.  I want to say; to be "seduced" does NOT HAVE to mean to be "seduced" (deceived) to commit an act of unlawful sex.  Notice the obvious symbolism in Proverbs 30:20…. 

KJV Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness. 

The term "adulterous" (H5003) means "figuratively to apostatize" (denounce one’s BELIEF).  On that premise, Eve denounced her BELIEF based on what God told her NOT to do, but she thought she had done NO wickedness simply because she was deceived!  I believe that Eve symbolically "ate" (mentally consumed and digested) a certain symbolic "fruit", but Adam did NOT "eat" of the "fruit" DIRECTLY from the symbolic tree simply because he was NOT deceived!  The very deceptive "fruit" came from Eve, and THEN Adam "ate" what his NOW DEFILED (unclean) wife gave him to "eat"…. 

Genesis 3:6 KJV And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 

As we all know, Eve blamed the "serpent" for having caused her to sin, but Adam did NOT blame the serpent for his sin (Gen 3:12).  Of course, the "fruit" that Adam "ate" was the SAME "fruit" that Eve "ate", but again, Adam did NOT SIN by "eating" directly from the symbolic tree; he sinned by taking the "fruit" DIRECTLY from EVE!  Eve DESIRED what this "tree" OFFERED to her as "told" by the very deceptive "voice" of the symbolic "serpent".  I believe the symbolic name "serpent" represents the SPIRIT of deception that was inherited by all mankind.  The evil deceptive SPIRITS known by the INSPIRED symbolic names, "Satan" and "devil" were also inherited by all sinful mankind for a temporary (yes, TEMPORARY) divine purpose!  Carefully read the links, "Satan" and "Devils" on my web site. 

Adam truly LOVED his wife Eve, and he knew that the "one flesh" union had been BROKEN, and He did the ONLY thing that would RESTORE the "one flesh" union again.  The incredible possibility is that Adam was INSPIRED to do a most noble act of TRUE LOVE by TRULY forgiving Eve to RESTORE her back to him as his wife.  The major point is that Adam knew it was unlawful for him to RESTORE Eve since she was now a DEFILED (unclean) woman!  But please understand; that was the incredible SIN that CAUSED the downfall of Adam, and the downfall of ALL mankind "in Adam"!  Adam deliberately chose to SIN, but he KNEW this act of TRUE LOVE and TRUE forgiveness would CAUSE his spiritual and physical DEATH! 

But Eve did NOT know she NEEDED forgiveness since she was deceived, and deceived sinful mankind ALSO do not KNOW that they NEED divine forgiveness.  Adam, the FIRST sinful man DIED for his now DEFILED wife Eve, and Jesus Christ the SECOND man ALSO died for his DEFILED wife Israel!  Carefully read, study, and BELIEVE Romans 5:14…. 

KJV Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. 

Adam was the "figure" (type) of HIM that was "to come" (Jesus Christ); which means that Adam was the TYPE that FORGAVE his beloved wife Eve as Jesus Christ was ALSO the TYPE that FORGAVE His beloved wife Israel.  Eve was of Adam’s flesh and bones, and TRUE believers (the bride of Christ) are of the resurrected Jesus Christ’s (spiritual) flesh and bones…. 

Genesis 2:23 KJV And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 

Ephesians 5:30 KJV For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 

But the BLOOD is NOT mentioned in BOTH examples!  This implies that Adam’s body had NO blood BEFORE he sinned, and as we all know, Jesus Christ SHED his blood.  Romans 5:14 also means that sinful mankind DOES NOT sin after the similitude (likeness) of Adam’s sin, which would mean that Isaiah’s evil ruling king of Babylon did NOT SIN after the LIKENESS of Adam’s sin.  This theological possibility would destroy the premise of those that believe that the "lofty" heart of the evil ruling king of Babylon was INSTEAD the "lofty" heart of Adam! 

We "naturally" cannot comprehend the divine purpose and implication of Adam NOT being deceived on the knowledge of "good and evil".  It is the impure mixture of the thoughts (spirits) of "good and evil" in the carnal sinful heart that is designed as deceptive KNOWLEDGE that causes all mankind to SIN, but again, Adam was NOT deceived to sin!  The major point is that Adam KNEW the TRUTH about this knowledge! 

Adam therefore had PURE thoughts of correct knowledge that made him a HUMBLE man because he KNEW he had to LOWER himself into the corrupt and sinful world of his NOW defiled wife, Eve.  Keep in mind that Adam was a "figure" or a TYPE of Jesus Christ as was clearly explained in Romans 5:14.  Jesus Christ ALSO had to HUMBLE and LOWER himself into the world of corrupt sinful man in order to SAVE His defiled wife Israel, and also to "make alive" (SAVE) all mankind.  Adam DID indeed sin, and there has to be a penalty for sin, therefore Adam (the FIRST sinful man) had to suffer the FIRST penalty for sin to be CURSED of God and driven from his Garden of "paradise".  Keep in mind that Jesus Christ was also cursed of God.... 

Galatians 3:13 KJV Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree

As Jesus Christ hung on the "tree" of his crucifixion He was REDEEMING (saving) ALL mankind that dies "in Adam" to AGAIN enter into the Garden of "paradise"…. 

Luke 23:43 KJV And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. 

Can we honestly say that this evil ruling king of Babylon with his "lofty" heart of self-glory had the humility of Adam and also the HUMILITY of Jesus Christ, and can we honestly say that this evil ruling king was the "figure" (a TYPE) of Jesus Christ?  We all know the answer to this very VALID question! 

Now we will get into the spiritual MEAT of the significance and importance of the famous and ancient city of Babylon.  As we all know, the book of Revelation is all about signs and symbols, so let us carefully read, study, and BELIEVE Revelation 14:8…. 

KJV And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. 

The term "fallen" does NOT mean to "fall" from POWER!  Notice that the term "fallen" (G4098) is repeated that means in the idea of "alighting"; which is defined as "to settle or stay after descending".  There is a LITERAL Babylon in history that is "fallen", and there is an unknown MYSTERY BABYLON (Rev 17:5), that is ALSO "fallen", and the gods of BOTH Babylons have SETTLED to STAY on ALL nations!  These deceptive gods have made ALL nations to "drink" of a certain "wrath" (G2372); which simply means PASSION.  To drink WINE "loosens" the emotional PASSION caused by spiritual fornication (idolatry).  This is the POWER of spiritual deception by BOTH Babylons!  Now carefully read, study, and BELIEVE Revelation 18:2…. 

KJV And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 

Notice that "fallen" is AGAIN repeated.  The false gods of BOTH Babylons have "fallen" (descended) to settle and to STAY on the HEARTS of all mankind to BECOME the habitation, hold, and cage for the HARMFUL deceptive spirits of the false gods of both Babylons!  Devils (H1142) (spirits of a bad nature), EVERY foul spirit, and EVERY unclean and hateful "bird" are a major part of the thoughts (spirits) of ALL sinful carnal hearts! 

I want to offer my opinion on the symbolism of these unclean and hateful "birds".  Rev 19:17 says that birds fly in the "midst of heaven" (air), so therefore these unclean and hateful "birds" could be the SPIRITS that "fly" in the "inflated" egos of the carnal SELF to SEEK the height (where birds fly) ABOVE the "earthy" REALM of carnal sinful man.  We should now know WHY we live in an evil world/age of ant-God, no-God, INSANE, chaotic, CONFUSED, stressful, and highly deceptive times!  Please understand; the harmful deceptive SPIRITS of the false gods of BOTH Babylons have done their job very WELL! 

Mystery Babylon explains WHY a deceived evil world/age is UNAWARE of its CONFUSION simply because it is a MYSTERY!  Even modern astrology (a study of the "signs" of stars) is a MYSTERY, because it is based on the false teachings of Babylonian astrology!  The MYSTERY of astronomy (the study of the so-called "universe") is all "explained" by highly "educated" scientists that were all "trained" by our Babylonian colleges!  All our lives we were told by brilliant "scientific" minds HOW the creation just randomly "happened", and the teachings of these highly "intelligent" scientists are accepted as TRUTH in our Babylonian world!  But many of these scientists were (and are) members of secret societies (religions) that were founded by the teachings of false gods from the ancient city of Babylon! 

Modern "science" is a RELIGION!  Secret societies have an evil political agenda of a "new world order", and the FALSE science of "global warming", and the FALSE science that "explains" an awesome creation is a major part of their evil political agenda to CONTROL the whole world!  But the TRUE science of the earth, sun, moon, and stars is found in the HONEST study of the Bible.  Certain scientists will confess that their theories on the creation are just that; THEORIES, because they are made to believe in the "theories" as taught by Babylonian colleges!  The amazing "breath-taking" photos of "outer space" as shown by NASA (meant only for public consumption) are nothing more than computer generated images (CGIs) by "special" software. 

History tells us that our "Gregorian" calendars are related to catholic popes and "religious" sounding catholic "chants" INSPIRED by the false gods of ancient Babylon.  Even the seven days of the week are all named after the false gods of ancient Babylon!  This also explains WHY the FIRST month of the year (January) starts in the "dead" of winter INSTEAD of in the SPRING at the FIRST signs of "life"!  This "Gregorian" confusion of days, weeks, months and years was FOUNDED by the false gods of the FAMOUS and ancient city of Babylon! 

We are told to "come out" of MYSTERY Babylon (Rev 18:4); which means we are to "come out" from under the POWER of the confusion of "religion", and to "come out" from under the POWER of the confusion of science FALSELY so-called…. 

1Timothy 6:20 KJV O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 

In conclusion; 1John 5:4-5 explains that those "born of God" have the FAITH that "overcometh" (G3528) the world; which means to subdue and conquer the WORLD; which can be called a deceived Babylonian world!  To subdue and conquer a BABYLONIAN world means that we are to REJECT the teachings of the gods of FALSE science that "explains" an awesome creation, and also to REJECT the gods of FALSE religious worship in order to receive the glorious title of the POWER and authority of the symbolic "morning star"!  If (yes, IF), we are inspired to mentally REJECT all the teachings of the false gods of ancient LITERAL Babylon and also REJECT the teachings of the false gods of the unknown MYSTERY BABYLON, then we have indeed conquered all the deceptive gods of BOTH Babylons!  We will then be given the POWER and authority of the symbolic "morning star" to turn many to righteousness as the "brightness" of (morning) STARS by teaching the LIGHT of TRUE understanding to an evil world/age of DARKNESS!

By Mahlon Wickey  September 2015

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