What is Eternal Life?

By Mahlon Wickey  December, 2014


We are living in uncertain, INSANE, and highly deceptive times!  President Obama will repeatedly and deliberately LIE to achieve his UNLAWFUL political agenda!  But WHERE is the OUTRAGE, and WHY is there NO effort made by our politicians to CORRECT this insanity, lawlessness, and LIES?  Millions of Americans are "silent" since they are deceived and willingly ignorant of the DANGER and POWER of political deception!  Why can millions of our people so easily "brush aside" deliberate political lies that could directly HARM their freedoms and lifestyles?  But where is OUTRAGE from our modern churches, and yes, it is their DUTY to "cry aloud" (Isaiah 58:1) to EXPOSE these political LIES!  Oh, I forgot, churches CANNOT be involved with politics. 


Most church-goers are also "silent", and can also so easily "brush aside" biblical deceptions that could directly HARM their beliefs about the TRUE God.  Any deception is DESIGNED to DISTORT any truth, and biblical deception will distort biblical TRUTH.  Most church-goers are NOT aware of the DANGER and POWER of biblical deception since they do not consider biblical deception as an enemy to them.  Yes, this is WHY they will so easily "brush aside" the NEED for the HONEST study of the Bible that will reveal precious TRUTH; which will FREE them and SAVE them from the DANGER and POWER of biblical deception!  This article will show the DECEPTION on what is believed about "eternal life", so be prepared for some theological "surprises"!     


Our modern churches will HIRE pastors so that their established "truths" are taught and upheld, but pastors can be FIRED if they don’t teach what they were HIRED to teach!  But our modern churches generally have no "problem" with pastors since most church-going people will "go with the flow" of what is generally taught as biblical "truth" since the natural human tendency is to follow the EASY path of "least resistance". 


But suppose you are studying the Bible and have discovered a "new" truth that you KNOW will NOT be accepted by your church.  So IF you are INSPIRED to NOT "go with the flow" and NOT take the EASY path of "least resistance" then you might feel it is necessary to INFORM your church of this "new" truth.  But you KNOW that "unusual" and "unacceptable" theological statements could cause disunity and discord within your church.  Yes, that is very true! 


But your HIRED pastor is NOT interested in the HONEST study the Bible, and this is WHY there could be a "price to pay" if (yes, IF) you make certain "unusual" and "unacceptable" theological statements, and that PRICE could be that you might be an "outcast" and NO longer welcome in your church.  Yes, your so-called "friends" are simply NOT interested to "hear you out" on the "new" truth that you have discovered.  An all-knowing sovereign God has "hidden" certain TRUTHS of the Holy Scriptures simply because they are very PRECIOUS, and this is WHY the HONEST study of the Bible is NEEDED and required to discover these precious truths. 


This article might ALSO be "unusual" and "unacceptable" to some, but the intention of this article is NOT to get into the "confusion" of theological "technicalities".  This article will show only ONE inspired Greek word that explains that "eternal life" is NOT what it is ASSUMED to be because of the WAY it is taught by our modern churches.  Yes, our modern churches teach that the ONLY way "eternal life" is explained is as "never-ending" life, but the theological PURPOSE of this article is to show that "never-ending" life cannot CORRECTLY be called "eternal life"!      


The purpose of my articles is to EXPOSE the deceptions (as I believe them to be) of what is generally taught as established "truth" by most modern churches.  The "name of the game" of my articles is called "inspired words", and it is "played" by finding certain words in our King James Bibles that are linked to Strong’s Concordance that DEFINE the meanings of the original INSPIRED Hebrew and Greek words.  If (yes, IF) the meanings of the King James translated words DO NOT MATCH with Strong’s definitions then we are faced with two choices; do we choose to believe the translated words in our beloved KJ Bibles, or do we choose to believe the original INSPIRED words? 


As we all know, the term, "eternal life" is spoken of many times by all of our modern churches.  Of course, all church-goers that read their beloved KJ Bibles know that "eternal life" is promised by Jesus Christ, and this is a very "popular" belief on the minds (and tongues) of most church-going people simply because they all want to live "forever" (whatever that means). 


Now I will make an "unusual" and possible "unacceptable" theological statement by saying that our modern "spiritually-enlightened" churches DO NOT teach that the English word "eternal" is not (yes, is NOT) the CORRECT word used for "eternal life"!  Sure, "never-ending" life is indeed promised by Jesus Christ, and the case could be made that "eternal" IS the correct word, but that is NOT the point!  The major point is that the English word "eternal" is translated from the original INSPIRED word that DOES NOT MEAN "eternal"!  Therefore Jesus Christ did NOT MEAN what our modern churches ASSUME He meant when He "supposedly" promised "eternal life".  Again, "eternal life" is NOT the correct term, but the "life" promised by Jesus Christ is indeed "never-ending" life, but it is "never-ending" AFTER we truly believe on Jesus Christ, therefore it could NOT be called "eternal life", as we shall see. 


The matter of "eternal life" is generally SETTLED in the hearts and minds of church-going people, and it is believed that there can be NO OTHER way to explain "eternal life" than the "way" our beloved King James bibles and most other English bibles "seem" to explain the matter of "eternal life".  Therefore the matter of "eternal life" is never questioned as to what it means. 


As we shall see, there is another way to explain "eternal life" that church-goers simply are NOT aware of.  This is because our modern churches generally DO NOT teach the "sheep" (that tend to "go with the flow") that translated words can have different meanings than the original INSPIRED words!  This is HOW false teachings about the TRUE God are caused!  But I want to make this major point; to be deceived about the TRUE God is NOT a sin, but it can BECOME sin if (yes, IF) the meanings of the original INSPIRED words are ignored or willingly rejected! 


The apostle Paul explained to Timothy that the true WISDOM of salvation is found in the Holy Scriptures…. 


2Timothy 3:15 KJV And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus


Paul of course was referring to the original Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament as being the Holy Scriptures.  But our modern "spiritually-enlightened" churches teach that our modern Bibles are the Holy Scriptures!  No, our modern Bibles are ONLY translations (changed words) of the original Holy Scriptures; therefore our modern Bibles might NOT be entirely accurate!  So is it WISE for us to believe the words from of our modern translated Bibles, or is it WISE for us to STUDY and believe the words from the original INSPIRED Holy Scriptures of the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts?  


Notice that Paul explained that the WISDOM of the Holy Scriptures is "unto salvation".  Yes, the HEBREW Holy Scriptures will explain "salvation", and as we shall see, the GREEK Holy Scriptures will explain "eternal life".  But generally most church-going people are NOT interested to take the time to truly STUDY to "uncover" the INSPIRED meanings of the original words found in the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. 


We should be HONEST with the INSPIRED Holy Scriptures, and truly consider that certain translated words in our English Bibles might NOT MATCH the INSPIRED meanings of the original words of the Holy Scriptures.  We should also be HONEST with the English word "eternal", and truly consider that what we call "eternity" CANNOT be a PART of past or future TIME!  Our God-given intelligence will tell us that the spiritual realm of "eternity" CANNOT have a beginning or an ending, and this theological premise is supported by several online dictionaries. 


As we shall see, "time" DID indeed have a beginning and was later divided into AGES, and the AGES will eventually END, but there will be NO END to "eternity", simply because the spiritual realm of "eternity" CANNOT be a PART of "time" and the AGES!  Therefore the dilemma to explain is this; how can a "life" that has NO beginning be applied to the "time" of human life?  Using spiritual LOGIC the answer is that since "eternal life" has NO beginning then obviously "eternal life" does NOT BEGIN for humans at the "time" they start to believe on Jesus Christ. 


I want to point out that our "natural" minds can only THINK in a "natural" way, and we can only FUNCTION in the environment of a "natural" physical creation.  We "naturally" take for granted that we ALSO have to FUNCTION in the environment of a "natural" system of numbers, counting, and measurements. 


Yes, we also HAVE to function in the environment of "time" that is divided into days, weeks, months, and years according to our modern calendars, and "time" is also divided into days and nights.  This is our "natural" physical environment, and this is HOW we have to physically FUNCTION in this temporary (yes, temporary) physical life!  But the spiritual realm of "eternity" is totally separate from the environment of a "natural" system of numbers, counting, and measurements, and yes, "eternity" is totally separate from the concept and measurement of "time" that is divided into the God-ordained eras and AGES. 


We are in BONDAGE as SLAVES to this physical environment and to the measurement of "time", so we "naturally" allow our minds to go back "in time" as far back as "possible", and we "naturally" ask ourselves; how did the TRUE God come into existence, or how OLD is the TRUE God?  We could also ask ourselves; how did "eternity" come into existence, or how OLD is "eternity"?  Please understand; we are asking the WRONG questions that CANNOT be answered simply because these questions are NOT based on REALITY! 


The REALITY of the TRUE God and "eternity" is neither "old" nor "young"!  We "naturally" think not ONLY in measurements of "time", but we ALSO think in measurements of "distance".  But with the REALITY of "eternity" there is NOTHING past or future, and there in NOTHING far or near!  Also our "natural" concepts of up and down, high and low, small and large, and heavy and light CANNOT be applied to the REALITY of "eternity"! 


Our modern scientists are CORRECT to say that distance can be measured in many trillions of miles, but they are NOT correct to just add more ZEROS to these incredible numbers to finally "determine" where "space" ENDS.  Yes, the incredible irony and dilemma for our modern scientists is that "space" has NO END!  We are also told that "time" can be measured to the trillionth of a second!  We CANNOT comprehend this type of measurement!  But please understand; many trillions of miles and a trillionth of a second are indeed physical measurements, but there are NO physical measurements with the REALITY of "eternity"!  Our highly sensitive and sophisticated instruments do indeed "measure" these incredible measurements, but our modern scientists are NOT ABLE to "measure" to finally "find" and to finally determine WHAT they are looking for! 


Our "informed" and highly "trained" scientists do NOT explain that time, distance, and space might simply be "illusions" and NOT the REALITY!  Yes, scientists are "trained" to believe in their OWN REALITY; which is that somewhere "out there" is the REAL answer to the "mystery" of the so-called universe!  From our human "natural" viewpoint we most certainly are NOT living with "illusions", and this physical creation that we "naturally" see and experience most certainly seems REAL to us! 


We "naturally" do NOT consider that the physical creation HAD to be CREATED from an UNCREATED source!  That source is from the REALITY of the Creator God that I believe PLANNED and DESIGNED a heavenly "blueprint" that this physical creation was copied from!  The TRUE God and the spiritual realm of "eternity" are the UNCREATED REALITIES "behind the scenes" of our physical creation. 


Our "natural" minds CANNOT comprehend the REALITY of "eternity", but our "natural" minds CAN comprehend "time" that is divided into eras and AGES.  We can ONLY comprehend spiritual and "eternal" truths as the SPIRIT of a sovereign God reveals them to us, and ONLY to the degree that a sovereign God determines that we are ABLE to "bear" (support) and "handle" spiritual and "eternal" TRUTHS. 


Due to our Christian upbringing and the way we "naturally" think we assume that "eternity" is a never-ending period of TIME.  No, our God-given intelligence tells us that a "never-ending" period of TIME is an obvious contradiction!  Yes, it is IMPOSSIBLE for "time" to be a PART of "eternity"! 


We should all ask ourselves; WHEN do we receive "eternal life" if indeed it is a LIFE that has NO beginning?  The theological "problem" is that human physical life DOES have a beginning, and that is precisely WHY the meaning of the ONE original INSPIRED word does NOT MATCH with the English word "eternal", and does NOT MATCH with the "life" that is promised by Jesus Christ!


Now let us go to the original INSPIRED Holy Scriptures and HONESTLY examine the original inspired word that the English word "eternal" was translated from.  It is very interesting that the English word "eternal" is found only TWICE in the entire King James Old Testament!  This biblical FACT alone should be a "red flag" and should make us "suspicious" about this English word "eternal", and WHY the KJ translators decided to use it! 


But this English word, "eternal" is found 45 times in the KJ New Testament, but this word is "mysteriously" NOT FOUND in both the Old and New Testaments of the Concordant Literal Version!  The LITERAL meaning of the ONE New Testament Greek word (G166) DOES NOT MATCH with the meaning of the English word "eternal", and this is WHY the CLV never uses "eternal"!  This LITERAL translation (CLV) also uses the LITERAL term, "life eonion" INSTEAD of "life eternal".  This Greek word (G166) is spelled as "aiōnios"; hence the term, "eonian".  As we all know, the term, "eon" is how we get the term, "era", which are long periods of TIME, or simply long periods of AGES. 


This Greek word (G166) occurs 71 times in the King James New Testament, and was translated as "eternal", "everlasting", "world", and only ONCE as "ever".  G166 simply means "perpetual", but it can also be used for past or future time (yes, TIME)!  Therefore G166 could simply be explained as perpetual (continual) TIME that is "past" and continues on sometime in the "future".  This Greek word "aiōnios" (G166) was taken from the Greek word "aiōn" (G165) which properly means "age" (yes, AGE)!  Of course, when combined these two words mean perpetual (continual) "time" WITHIN and LIMITED to an AGE or AGES!  So please understand; both these Greek meanings have nothing whatsoever to do with the TRUE concept of ETERNAL! 


One Old Testament Hebrew word for "eternal" is H6924 that was translated as the "eternal God" in Deut 33:27….


KJV The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.


H6924 means the "front", or "fore part", or "east", but it also refers to TIME of the "distant past" (antiquity).  So what do these meanings have to do with the TRUE concept of "eternity" and the TRUE concept of the "eternal God"?  This Hebrew word (H6924) was translated as "east" or "old" the majority of times in the King James Old Testament, and it is ridiculous to ask IF the TRUE God is "located" in the "east", or IF the TRUE God is "old"! 


But in the context of Deut 33:27 several translations mention the "God of old", and the terms; "safe resting-place", or "dwelling place", or "refuge" were also used.  The major point is this; the TRUE concept of "old" has nothing whatsoever to do with the TRUE concept of "eternal"!  Of course, the TRUE God is ETERNAL, but the TRUE God can ALSO be our COMFORT as a "safe-resting place", or as a "dwelling place", or as a "refuge", but the English word "eternal" is foreign to Deut 33:27, and should NOT have been USED! 


The other Hebrew word for "eternal" (H5769) is found in Isaiah 60:15, and it means a concealed vanishing point of past or future time (yes, TIME)!  The TRUE concept of TIME does NOT vanish into ETERNITY!  A certain "point" of time can only vanish into another "point" of time, or into another era or AGE! 


The Rotherham translation uses the term, "life age-abiding", the 1912 Weymouth New Testament uses the term, "Life of the Ages", and Young’s Literal Translation uses the term, "life age-during".  We can all understand that these theological terms simply means a certain "life" that ABIDES and is lived DURING and through the AGES, and to put it more plainly it could simply be called the "Life of the Ages".  It is also very interesting that the English word "eternal" is found in the New Testament only ONCE in the Rotherham and Young’s translations, but it is a different Greek word (G126) with a different Greek meaning than the Greek word G166. 


If (yes, IF) we are HONEST with the original inspired Holy Scriptures of the Greek manuscripts, it is very obvious WHY "eternal life" is called the "Life of the Ages" (Weymouth) simply because it is a certain perpetual and continual life, but this certain "life’ is LIMITED only during and through the AGES!  It is also very obvious WHY this "perpetual life" is called "life-eonion" by the Concordant Literal Version, "life age-abiding" by Rotherham, and "life age-during" by Young’s Literal Translation. 


You see, it is NOT a question WHEN we receive "eternal life" but IT IS a question WHEN we receive the "Life of the Ages", simply because "ages" ARE NOT a part of "eternity"!  I mention again, there is a different Greek word (G126) that the English word "eternal" was taken from, and this Greek word is "mysteriously" found only TWICE in the entire King James New Testament!  This Greek word (G126) is found in these two scriptures…. 


Romans 1:20 KJV For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal (G126) power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse; 


Jude 1:6 KJV And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting (G126) chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. 


This Greek word (G126) means "ever-during" forward and backward (forward and backward in TIME).  The CLV used "imperceptible" for G126.  Of course, God’s power and Godhead is "imperceptible", but the invisible things are "clearly seen" (CLV says, "invisible attributes").  God’s invisible attributes and qualities are "clearly seen" by looking at CREATION so that sinful man is without excuse (Rom 1:20).  People that REFUSE to "clearly see" the TRUE God in creation are NOT excused for the divine purpose so that they can LATER be JUDGED! 


God’s power and Godhead (His force and divinity) is "imperceptible" and "ever-during" (G126) at the TIME of sinful man, and NOT "imperceptible" and "ever-during" in eternity!  G126 was taken from G104; which means "continued duration" or "regularly", and was translated as "alway(s)" eleven times and only ONE time as "ever".  We all know that the term, "always" can be used in every-day "regular" situations from our "natural" viewpoint. 


So by using spiritual LOGIC the terms, "ever-during", "continued duration", "always", and "ever" could be "regular" conditions that DO NOT "go away", but they "always" and "ever" remain as they are UNTIL these "regular" conditions CHANGE!  Please understand; G126 and G104 were used to be understood from our "natural" viewpoint, and NOT used in the viewpoint of "eternal" that CANNOT be understood! 


Jude 1:6 uses the term, "everlasting chains under darkness".  Again, "everlasting" (G126) could NOT mean in the sense of "eternal" simply because these angels are kept in chains (restraints) that is "ever-during" (G126) for a "continued duration" (G104) that will "always" and "ever" (G104) continue "unto" (or UNTIL) the judgment of the great day! 


And what a GREAT DAY that will be!  The divine purpose of judgment is to make things RIGHT for sinful man by the judgment of "fire" so as to CORRECT the flaws of sinful man and the flaws of angels (messengers of God).  So please understand; this divine judgment CANNOT be effective if (yes, IF) it is "everlasting" in the sense of ETERNAL simply because sinful man and the messengers of God (angels) would be under chastisement by the judgment of "fire" for ETERNITY, and therefore would NEVER be made RIGHT and corrected! 


But there is a theological "problem" with the Greek word G166.  Since God existed BEFORE the "eons" then WHY does the CLV in Romans 16:26 call God as the "eonian God" (G166)?  So the logical question would be this; can God be OUTSIDE of "time" and ALSO be "perpetual" (G166) during the TIMES of eons, eras, and ages?  The answer is found in the question itself!  The logical answer is simply this; God most certainly IS "perpetual" (continual) DURING the TIMES of eons, eras, and ages! 


This now gets to the DIVINE reason WHY the English word "eternal" was NOT used and is FOREIGN to the original INSPIRED Holy Scriptures!  The TIMES of eons, eras, and ages CAN BE understood, but the TRUE concept of "eternal" CANNOT be understood, and this is WHY the English word "eternal" was NEVER used in the original INSPIRED Holy Scriptures! 


In order to redeem and SAVE fleshy sinful mankind a sovereign God HAD to become FLESH in the PERSON of Jesus Christ!  Yes, "God in the flesh" had to FUNCTION as a FLESH MAN, and "God in the FLESH" also HAD to FUNCTION in the environment of fleshy BONDAGE, and in the bondage of TIME!  We CANNOT comprehend the LOVE of the UNCREATED "eonian God" (G166) that HUMBLED and "lowered" himself INTO the bondage and constraints of FLESH, and into the bondage and constraints of TIME!  This is precisely WHY God was called CORRECTLY as the "eonian God" (CLV), and we can NOW also understand WHY the English word "eternal" is foreign and "out of place" with the original INSPIRED Holy Scriptures! 


I want to mention again that "eternity" is an UNCREATED spiritual realm, but "time" was CREATED, and later MADE for the divine purpose to be divided into eons, eras, and ages, as we shall see.  Yes, it is CORRECT to use the theological term; "in the beginning of time".  Please take notice of the term, "worlds" in Hebrews 1:2….


(KJV) Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds


Notice that the word "made" was used, and the word "created" was NOT used!  People that read their beloved KJ Bibles ASSUME that the term, "worlds" refers to the celestial bodies (or "worlds") in the so-called universe.  There are several translations that indeed use the term, "universe" but it is very unfortunate that these translations "fail" to see that the term, "worlds" is the Greek word (G165) that properly means AGE!  Hebrews 1:2 simply explains that the AGES (plural) were MADE, and CANNOT be a part of the UNCREATED spiritual realm of ETERNITY!  "Made" is the CORRECT word, and the point is that God only "makes" things OUT of what God had already CREATED!  This concept is explained in Gen 2:3….


(KJV) And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. 


Why use BOTH the words, "created" and "made"?  The original Hebrew wording of Gen 2:3 is this; "God created to make", and this concept is supported by the CLV; which says, "Elohim creates to make", the LITV says, "God had created to make", the MKJV says, "God created to make", and Young’s Literal Translation says, "God had prepared for making".  So please understand; it could be explained that God created the "natural" realm of TIME; which was "created to MAKE" the "natural" eons, eras, and AGES!  Here are seven translations of Hebrews 1:2 that correctly use the terms, "eons" and "ages" INSTEAD of the INCORRECT term, "worlds"…. 

Hebrews 1:2 (CLV) in the last of these days speaks to us in a Son, Whom He appoints enjoyer of the allotment of all, through Whom He also makes the eons;"

Hebrews 1:2 (Rotherham) At the end of these days, He hath spoken unto us in his Son,—whom he hath appointed heir of all things, through whom also he hath made the ages; 

Hebrews 1:2 (WNT) has at the end of these days spoken to us through a Son, who is the pre-destined Lord of the universe, and through whom He made the Ages.

Hebrews 1:2 (YLT) in these last days did speak to us in a Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He did make the ages;

Hebrews 1:2 (KJ3) in these last days He spoke to us in the Son, whom He appointed heir of all things; through whom He indeed made the ages;

Hebrews 1:2 (LITV) in these last days He spoke to us in the Son, whom He appointed heir of all; through whom He indeed made the ages;

Hebrews 1:2 (MLV) has on the end of these days spoken to us in his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he also made the ages.


Please notice the repeated use of the word "made".  The CLV uses "makes" (present tense); which could mean "perpetual" or "continual" (G166), and also notice the repeated use of the word "through".  Yes, it was through God’s Son that the PLANNED eventual salvation of ALL mankind would be possible, but this divine PLAN called for what is known as the "Plan of the Ages".  Notice the term, "eternal purpose" in Ephesians 3:11…. 


(KJV) According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:   


The word "eternal" is G165; which again means "age", so therefore the term, "eternal purpose" would mean the PURPOSE of the AGES; which is the "PLAN of the ages", and this PURPOSE and PLAN was MADE in and through Christ Jesus!  Carefully read, study, and BELIEVE the CORRECT wording of Ephesians 3:11 in these four translations…. 


Ephesians 3:11 (CLV) in accord with the purpose of the eons, which He makes in Christ Jesus, our Lord;"

Ephesians 3:11 (Darby) according to the purpose of the ages, which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Ephesians 3:11 (Rotherham) According to a plan of the ages which he made in the anointed Jesus our Lord,—

Ephesians 3:11 (YLT) according to a purpose of the ages, which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord, 


WHY is it worded as "Christ Jesus" and NOT as "Jesus Christ"?  God IS composed of SPIRIT (John 4:24, CLV), but God ALSO had to be composed of FLESH!  The SPIRIT "side" of God and the FLESH "side" of God were BOTH in the womb of the Virgin Mary!  The term, "Christ" (G5547) simply means "anointed" (by the SPIRIT "side" of God) and "Jesus" is simply the name given for the FLESH "side" of God.  The eventual salvation of ALL mankind will be IN and THROUGH the anointed Christ; which takes PRECEDENCE over the FLESH Jesus!  In this context "Christ Jesus" is more biblically accurate than "Jesus Christ". 


It was NECESSARY for the sovereign God to LEAVE the realm of SPIRIT to be JOINED (by conception) to a FLESH body that HAD to be conceived of a VIRGIN!  The Spirit of God "planted" the SEED in the Virgin Mary that conceived Christ (the anointed); which IS the ONE promised SEED of Abraham.  This was NOT referring to seeds "as of many" that came from Abraham….


Galatians 3:16 KJV Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.


This is WHY it is simply stated; "if ye be Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s SEED"; which is the SAME promised "seed" (the anointed Christ) that is IN US if (yes, IF) we are Christ’s….


Galatians 3:29 KJV And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise


This ONE SEED (Christ) that is "planted" by the Spirit of God will "regenerate" and "conceive" a NEW LIFE in the HEART (NOT in the womb) by a NEW BIRTH (born again).  The difference is that the sovereign God LEFT the realm of SPIRIT to have a FLESH "birth" in the PERSON of Jesus Christ, but we are to have a SPIRITUAL "birth" conceived (in the HEART, NOT in the womb) by this ONE SEED "planted" by the Spirit of God! 


Yes, the Holy Spirit of a sovereign God PLANNED the eons, eras, and ages simply because they are NEEDED and directly involved in the eventual salvation of ALL mankind; which takes a whole lot of "time" that is divided into eons, eras, and AGES.  This now brings us to another very important scripture.  Again, take notice of the term, "worlds" in Hebrews 11:3….


KJV Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. 


Also take special notice of the term, "framed".  Again, as in Heb 1:2 the term, "worlds" (G165) is incorrectly used by the KJ Bible, and again, I feel it is very important to show seven other translations of Hebrews 11:3 that CORRECTLY used the term, "eons" by the Concordant Literal Version, and the term, "ages" was also CORRECTLY used by the other translations….


Hebrews 11:3 (CLV) By faith we are apprehending the eons to adjust to a declaration of God, so that what is being observed has not come out of what is appearing."

Hebrews 11:3 (KJ3) By faith we understand the ages to have been framed by a Word of God, so that the things being visible should not come into being out of things being seen.

Hebrews 11:3 (LITV) By faith we understand the ages to have been framed by the Word of God, so that the things seen should not come into being out of things that appear.

Hebrews 11:3 (MKJV) By faith we understand that the ages were framed by a word of God, so that the things being seen not to have come into being out of the things that appear.

Hebrews 11:3 (MLV) by faith we perceive that the ages have been framed by the word of God, toward the things seen, not having become from things which appear.

Hebrews 11:3 (Rotherham) By faith, we understand the ages to have been fitted together, by declaration of God,—to the end that, not out of things appearing, should that which is seen, have come into existence.

Hebrews 11:3 (YLT) by faith we understand the ages to have been prepared by a saying of God, in regard to the things seen not having come out of things appearing;


These translations show a very important TRUTH about the Greek word G2675 translated most times as "framed", and the Greek meaning is to "complete thoroughly", "repair", or to "adjust".  So what is it about the eons, eras, and AGES that NEEDED to be "repaired" and "adjusted" in order to "complete thoroughly", and for what divine PURPOSE?  It could be explained that the "natural" realm of TIME was "created to make" not ONLY the AGES but the divisions of ages into EONS and ERAS when they NEEDED to be "framed" (repaired and adjusted).  Yes, the AGES HAD to be "framed" (repaired and adjusted) into eons and eras to accommodate (make room) for various cultures, religions, and societies of FLAWED sinful mankind!  Notice Romans 8:20….


KJV For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,


So the question is; WHY was creation made subject to "vanity" (worthless and futile)?  Again, the INSPIRED term, "made" was used, and the term, "created" was NOT used!  The original creation was "made" (AFTER it was created) SUBJECT to "vanity" for a divine PURPOSE! 


Gen 1:2 says that the earth WAS without "form and void" (waste and empty).  The word "was" (H1961) could simply mean "become", and was translated as "become" many times.  Yes, AFTER the earth was CREATED it then "became" waste and empty, for the divine PURPOSE to then be MADE subject to "vanity" that INCLUDED the future AGES that NEEDED to be "repaired" and "adjusted" to "complete thoroughly" the divine "Plan of the Ages" for the eventual salvation of ALL mankind! 


No, "time" does NOT "stand still" (the expression we sometimes hear), but it always MOVES "toward" us, and it always MOVES "past" us.  So what determines this movement of "time"?  Our "master clock" at the Naval Observatory HAS to be "timed" with the PERFECT "universal clock" that is determined by the MOVEMENTS of the sun, moon, and stars.  Joshua 10:12-13 explains very plainly that the sun and moon "stood still"; which simply means that the sun and moon do indeed MOVE.  But these very revealing scriptures in Joshua are "mysteriously" ignored by our modern Churches simply because the accepted so-called "science" IS very "skillfully" and very "convincingly" deceiving the whole world on the CREATION and the TRUE God!   


The first words of the Bible are; "In the beginning".  But there is NO beginning with God and "eternity", so therefore God did NOT CREATE "eternity"!  But "time" had a beginning, so in the beginning of creation INCLUDED the beginning of TIME.  This was when "time" BEGAN and could be measured by the movements of the sun, moon, and stars.  Yes, the movement of the SUN in Psalms 19:6 is as a "circuit" (H8622); meaning a revolution in a CIRCULAR "course" in (yes, IN) the firmament of heaven (Gen 1:8,14).  Again, "time" HAD to be DIVIDED into eons, eras, and ages that HAD to be "framed" (adjusted and repaired) accordingly at different TIMES in the history of sinful mankind to "complete thoroughly" the PLAN of the AGES!  Now we need to look at a scripture where the English word "eternal" seems to TRULY mean "eternal"!  Carefully read, study, and BELIEVE 2Corinthians 4:18….


KJV While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal. 


This of course is comparing "temporal" things with "eternal" things, but again, the word "eternal" is G166 taken from G165; which again, properly means AGE.  So the question is; what are the "eternal" things that saints are to "look at"?  Yes, saints are to "look at" but also WAIT for their FUTURE rewards when they will rule with Christ in a future AGE to restore righteousness to this evil world!  Of course, "eternal" things are FUTURE rewards given in a future AGE; which are rewards NOT (yet) "seen".  Please carefully read 2Cor 4:18 again.  Now notice Luke 1:33….


KJV And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. 


The term, "for ever" has the word G165; which again means AGE, and therefore Christ will RULE over the house of Jacob during a future AGE, and NOT rule for ETERNITY!  Sure, the kingdom of God will rule the world in the coming AGE, but understand; there is NO END to the kingdom of God ITSELF, as explained in Luke 1:33.  Now Notice 1Corinthians 15:24….


KJV Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 


The word "end" is G5056, and means a definite point or GOAL.  When the kingdom of God has reached its GOAL that is WHEN Christ shall "put down" (G2673) all rule, all authority and power, and G2673 means to render entirely useless.  Yes, when all rule, all authority and power is rendered entirely USELESS is simply because it will no longer be NEEDED! 


This will also be the END of the AGES because the divine "Plan of the Ages" has now reached its GOAL, and ALSO will no longer be NEEDED!  Christ will then GIVE the kingdom of God back to the Father since it has FINISHED its divine purpose, and FREEDOM from the BONDAGE of this physical creation and the bondage and constraints of TIME is now POSSIBLE! 


The kingdom of God contains the invisible things that are PLANNED and DESIGNED in the heavenly "blueprint" that the VANITY of visible things were COPIED from, and FREEDOM from this type of VANITY comes from the invisible realities of the kingdom of God.  But please understand; only a very FEW qualified (yes, QUALIFIED) saints will actually INHERIT (take OWNERSHIP) of the kingdom of God, and how these very FEW saints will qualify is explained in 1Cor 6:9-10 and Gal 5:19-21.  Now notice this very "unusual" scripture….


Acts 13:48 KJV And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. 


Notice that some "Gentiles" were ALREADY ordained (assigned) to "eternal life" BEFORE they believed!  Obviously this means that they HAD to be INSPIRED by the Holy Spirit of God to BELIEVE since they were ALREADY ordained for the "Life of the Ages"!  Please understand; they most certainly were NOT INSPIRED to BELIEVE by their own so-called FREE WILL! 


The vast majority of mankind most certainly were (and are) NOT INSPIRED to believe DURING the eons, eras, and ages of sinful mankind!  But WHY are only a very FEW saints ordained for the "Life of the Ages" if (yes, IF) God "will have" ALL MEN to eventually be SAVED during future AGES of the "Plan of the Ages"?  Notice WHAT is plainly explained in 1Timothy 2:4....


KJV Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 


So why are ALL men NOT saved NOW during this present AGE?  The answer is that the vast majority of mankind are simply not (yes, NOT) ordained (assigned) for the "Life of the Ages"!  This explains WHY it could NOT be called "eternal life"!  Now think about this!  AFTER the ages have served their divine PURPOSE, then and ONLY then can TRUE "never-ending" life BEGIN for the vast majority of mankind!  God will THEN be "all in all"….


1Corinthians 15:28 KJV And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. 


But what does the term, "all in all" truly mean?  I believe that is when ALL of God (ALL of God’s attributes and qualities) will be in (yes, IN) ALL MEN when God "will have" ALL MEN to be SAVED!  1Cor 15:53-54 says this is when MORTAL man must (yes, MUST) "put on" immortality because God will "swallow up" (into HIMSELF) the state of death itself in victory!


The very FEW saints ordained for the "Life of the Ages" will experience the JOY of total FREEDOM from physical BONDAGE by experiencing the REALITIES of the kingdom of God!  All pain, sickness, and DEATH, and yes, the AGING process of our MORTAL bodies are directly a PART of the temporary (yes, temporary) bondage and constraints of the VANITY of this physical creation!  Isaiah 25:8 and Rev 21:4 explain very plainly that God will wipe away all tears from off all faces (yes, ALL faces), and there will no more death, sorrow, crying, and no more pain for the "former things" (the bondage of TIME and the VANITY of this physical creation) have all passed away


You see, "spiritual" death is ALREADY "passed away" for very FEW saints, and when they physically die the "life eonian" that was given as a GIFT will continue on.  This "life eonian" IS the LIFE OF GOD that was regenerated and conceived in the hearts of these very FEW saints by Abraham’s ONE seed; which is (yes, IS) Christ WHILE they were still in FLESH bodies.  When these very FEW saints die their souls will fall "asleep", but I believe their SPIRITS will STILL experience "JOY unspeakable" when they are WITH God and Christ to experience the spiritual REALITIES of the kingdom of God simply because the LIFE OF GOD that was BIRTHED in their hearts DOES NOT DIE! 


I believe this JOY is "unspeakable" simply because the unseen REALITIES of the kingdom of God CANNOT be experienced by FLESH, therefore cannot be expressed with spoken words ("unspeakable").  But these REALITIES were still believed….


1 Peter 1:8 KJV Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:


The "Plan of the Ages" called for a company of "firstfruits" (James 1:18 and Rev 14:4) ordained for the "Life of the Ages" and to experience "JOY unspeakable" in the REALITIES of the kingdom of God.  But the vast majority of mankind will NOT be ordained for the "Life of the Ages", so why does it "seem" that a sovereign God is UNFAIR?  The obvious answer is that the "firstfruits" are the very FIRST saints to be ordained for the "Life of the Ages", which of course would EXCLUDE the rest of mankind! 


ALL souls ("all" truly means ALL) belong to God (Ezek 14:8), so eventually ALL souls will face their CREATOR to be judged, chastised, and corrected, and then they will NOT be EXCLUDED to also experience "JOY unspeakable" in the unseen REALITIES of the kingdom of God! 


John 11:25 says that Christ is the "life", but Christ is ALSO the "true Light" in John 1:9….


KJV That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 


Christ is BOTH the "life" (eonian) and the "true Light" (of understanding).  Every man (yes, EVERY man) that "cometh into the world" has the "true Light" and ALSO "life eonian" AT THEIR BIRTH; and NOT when they "decide" to BELIEVE on Jesus Christ!  But this "life eonian" and the "true Light" HAS to be INSPIRED in the hearts LATER by the Holy Spirit of God.


In conclusion; IF our "feeble" faith deceives us on any biblical teaching (including "eternal life") then we have a FLAWED faith by which biblical TRUTH as been DISTORTED!  We truly do NEED a PURE "child-like" faith by carefully reading, studying, and then BELIEVING the original INSPIRED Holy Scriptures!   


By Mahlon Wickey  December, 2014


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