The Spirit of Truth
By Mahlon Wickey  Sept 2019


Our beloved America today is much DIVIDED with raw HATRED, RAGE, and INSANITY on full display!  This dangerous division is caused mainly by an INSANE HATRED for president Trump, but also caused by millions of Americans ignoring obvious TRUTH and FACTS on "socialism" (communism).  Our OPENLY BIASED liberal news media does NOT report obvious TRUTH and FACTS accurately, and is a very effective propaganda and brainwashing "machine".  As a result, millions of Americans are UNABLE to THINK "logically" with NO common sense, and are "made" to BELIEVE the obvious LIES by certain politicians that are experts at distorting obvious TRUTH into clever "half-truths", and are OPENLY unfair and irrational with very obvious hypocrisy!  They also want "socialism" for America, and they have NO shame and NO regret for the obvious LIES that they tell to America, and they will NOT apologize when their obvious LIES are EXPOSED!  They have a HATRED for obvious TRUTH and FACTS, and they have NO desire to have an HONEST debate on what would be GOOD for our beloved America. 


American is "made" to believe the LIE and HOAX that "climate change" is destroying the earth, and also "made" to believe the LIE and HOAX that "climate change" is CAUSED by man’s use of fossil fuels, and America is also "made" to believe that it MUST "do something" to STOP "climate change".  This is absolute INSANITY!  American is also "made" to believe that it MUST "do something" to STOP so-called "mass shootings", but it is absolute INSANITY to believe that MORE gun "control" laws will mysteriously CONTROL "lawless" MAD men from killing people! 


Millions of brainwashed Americans are "made" to believe that the political policies of president Trump are the worst policies that America ever experienced!  WHY is Donald Trump OPENLY HATED by millions of Americans, and WHY does our OPENLY biased liberal news media seem to FAVOR this INSANE HATRED for Donald Trump?  Yes, "political" LIES are easily believed that is causing this INSANE HATRED for Trump, but "spiritual" LIES about the TRUE God are also easily believed.  This article will address as to WHY our beloved America and also our modern churches are INSPIRED to easily believe LIES and deceptions INSTEAD of believing obvious TRUTH. 


Our MAIN DESIRE in this life should be to SEEK for TRUTH; whether it is "political" TRUTH, or "spiritual" TRUTH, or ALSO "scientific" TRUTH, but it is very difficult to properly discern TRUTH in this evil world/AGE of LIES and deceptions.  This MAIN desire to SEEK for TRUTH must start by QUESTIONING what we were all "made" to believe as supposed "truth" all our lives, including questioning the "christian" doctrines taught to us all our lives! 


Church-goers generally profess that they TRUST in the words of their Bibles, but as we shall see, they will "mysteriously" IGNORE certain words that they profess to TRUST in!  So WHY are church-goers INSPIRED to ignore WHAT certain words in their Bibles are obviously saying?  It is simply because church-goers were "made" to never QUESTION the "christian" doctrines taught to them from their YOUTH! 


Again, our MAIN desire in this life should be to SEEK for TRUTH, and that MAIN desire comes to us by being LED by the POWER and function of a certain SPIRIT, known as the "spirit of truth"; which is divinely designed to INSPIRE our hearts to QUESTION everything that this evil deceived world/AGE has "made" us to BELIEVE as supposed "truth".  The beloved apostle John wrote four scriptures on the "spirit of truth", as we shall see. 


The POWER of the "spirit of truth" will INSPIRE us to properly DISCERN the LIES and clever "half-truths" that we hear from certain politicians, and from our OPENLY BIASED liberal news media.  We will also be INSPIRED to properly discern IF it is indeed spiritual TRUTH that is "skillfully" taught by pastors and ministers "of God".  But IF we do NOT QUESTION what we hear everyday as supposed "truth" spoken from certain politicians, from our OPENLY BIASED liberal news media, and also from "credible" pastors and ministers "of God", then we simply are NOT AWARE of the precious VALUE it is to SEEK for TRUTH! 


Spiritual common sense tells us that our thoughts do NOT come "out of thin air" but they are all INSPIRED by good and evil "spirits" beyond OUR CONTROL!  These spirits are INHERITED from Adam’s sin by the knowledge of (KNOWING) good and evil.  This deadly mixture of good and evil spirits is WHY it is very difficult to properly DISCERN what are LIES, clever "half-truths", and deceptions "skillfully" spoken from certain politicians, from our OPENLY BIASED liberal news media, and also from our very "credible" pastors and ministers "of God". 


These good and evil spirits INSPIRE our THOUGHTS, emotions, lifestyles, beliefs, behavior, and most important; how and what we accept and believe as spiritual TRUTH about the all-powerful and all-knowing sovereign God.  This deadly MIXTURE of good and evil spirits also explains WHY the TRUE God is replaced by the "religious" worship of FALSE gods. 


Now we should HONESTLY look at the basic meaning of the secret invisible realm of "spirit".  The Hebrew and Greek meanings are H7307 and G4151, and "spirit" is defined as the "flowing movement" of AIR; such as WIND, breeze, breath, current of air, or a blast of air.  Air of course is invisible, but we can all see the visible effects of the "flowing movement" of AIR, and the secret invisible realm of good and evil spirits INSPIRE the "flowing movement" of thoughts that also (yes, ALSO) cause the VISIBLE effects (behavior) of all human souls. 


The "spirit of truth" is simply a "flowing movement" of TRUTH divinely designed to MOVE our THOUGHTS to properly discern LIES and TRUTH!  Yes, the "spirit of truth" is a spiritual FORCE and POWER that will MOVE our thoughts in a GODLY way that will "open" our minds that brings "FREEDOM" to our thoughts to be ABLE to properly discern LIES and TRUTH!  But the spiritual FORCE and POWER of clever LIES, clever "half-truths", and clever deceptions will MOVE our thoughts in an UN-GODLY way that will "close" our minds so that our thoughts are held "CAPTIVE" to be UNABLE to properly discern LIES and TRUTH! 


But "spirit" can also mean "vital principle" (G4151); which is defined by a Goggle search as the "vital" (most necessary) "principle" (a fundamental TRUTH on beliefs and behavior).  In other words; spiritual TRUTH is divinely designed as the most necessary fundamental TRUTH that determines the BELIEF and behavior of all human souls!  All human souls have good and evil spirits that are under the divine control of the sovereign God; known as the "God of the spirits of all flesh"…. 


Numbers 16:22 KJV And they fell upon their faces, and said, O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation? 


Numbers 27:16 KJV Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, 


Spiritual common sense tells us that all human FLESH is indeed controlled by good and evil THOUGHTS (spirits) inherited from Adam’s sin.  These INHERITED good and evil spirits are all necessary, and HAVE to be controlled by the sovereign God as the "God of the spirits" of ALL human FLESH, and these spirits serve for HIS divine PURPOSE to fulfill this temporary (but necessary) evil world/AGE of clever LIES and deceptions! 


The sovereign God is also called the "Father of spirits"…. 


Hebrews 12:9 KJV Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? 


Yes, IF we are in subjection to the "Father of spirits" we will spiritually "live" in this life.  Our "Father" has the divine ROLE as "father-hood" making a "loving" Father responsible for all good and evil spirits that INSPIRE the behavior of the FLESH of all human souls!  Yes, a "loving" Father would of course be responsible for the ultimate destiny of man, but there is a "christian" doctrine known as "free will" that teaches that MAN (NOT a "loving" Father) is responsible for his own destiny


Sure, unbelieving sinful man MUST give an ACCOUNT for their "willful" UNBELIEF and they will all be JUDGED, but a loving Father is responsible as to WHEN "willful" unbelievers will be INSPIRED to be TRUE believers of the precious TRUTH of the gospel message.  Millions of church-goers are "made" to believe that the DESTINY of ALL unbelievers is to be tormented and separated from a loving Father for all of ETERNITY in a terrible place called "hell" with NO chance of EVER being SAVED by a loving Father!  BUT IS THIS THE TRUTH? 


Please consider that all unbelievers CANNOT respond correctly to the precious TRUTH of the gospel message during this highly deceptive world/AGE, but IF they are INSPIRED by the "flowing movement" of this precious TRUTH then they would NOT be unbelievers!  The Roman soldiers that brutally killed Jesus Christ could also be called unbelievers, and Christ asked His Father the forgive them.  WHY?  Simply because Christ KNEW they could NOT be held responsible for their brutal actions simply because Christ said, "for they know not what they do"…. 


Luke 23:34 KJV Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots


The obvious TRUTH is that IF a loving Father can forgive these unbelieving cruel Roman soldiers that brutally killed His ONLY begotten SON, then a loving Father can ALSO FORGIVE all unbelievers simply on the basis that all unbelievers ALSO "know NOT what they do"!  So IF all unbelievers are forgiven for their "willful" unbelief then this would "clear the way" for all unbelievers to indeed be SAVED simply by the mercy and GRACE of a FORGIVING loving Father!  Now think about this! 


The "spirit of truth" will INSPIRE us to BELIEVE this scripture…. 


Acts 13:48 KJV And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.


This implies that some unbelieving Gentiles were ordained (appointed) for "eternal life" BEFORE they believed!  This would be WHY unbelievers CANNOT be believers because they "know NOT what they do", or they "KNOW NOT" the precious TRUTH and the POWER of the gospel message!  This is WHY they cannot be held RESPONSIBLE for their "willful" unbelief, but they will all be held accountable, and will be judged


The term, "eternal life" should INSTEAD be "life age-during" (Young’s Literal Translation).  It is simply the LIFE of Christ that is lived in the hearts of TRUE believers DURING an age.  But the spiritual realm of eternAL had NO beginning and has NO ending, but AGES DO have a beginning and an ending.  Therefore the term, "eternal life" should NOT be in our beloved KJ Bibles!  Carefully read the link, "Eternal" on my web site. 


Sure, ALL unbelievers during this temporary evil world/AGE are NOT ordained (appointed) for "life age-during".  But the AGES will END after they have SERVED their divine PURPOSE!  This TRUTH means that God indeed "will have" ALL MEN to be SAVED, but ALSO to come unto the knowledge of the TRUTH…. 


1Timothy 2:4 KJV Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 


"Will have" is a very strong term, and means much MORE than just saying that it is God’s WILL that all men be SAVED, and also notice how Paul used the word "and"; which means that the "knowledge of the truth" is ADDED to being SAVED.  As if to say that God simply wants ALL MEN to KNOW the (yes, "THE") TRUTH as to WHY and HOW they were SAVED! 


TRUE believers ALREADY know about the "knowledge of the truth"; which is WHY they were INSPIRED to be TRUE believers!  But unbelievers are NOT YET inspired by the precious TRUTH of the gospel message, but AFTER this deceptive world/AGE is fulfilled all unbelievers will be INCLUDED with ALL MEN that the sovereign God indeed "will have" to be SAVED! 


But the "christian" doctrine of "free will" has BLOCKED the "flowing movement" of the TRUTH of Acts 13:48 and 1Tim 2:4 from millions of church-goers!  Yes, millions of church-goers are "made" to believe in the POWER of "free will" as the ONLY way to be ordained (appointed) for "eternal life", and also "made" to believe that ALL MEN "mysteriously" means only a FEW MEN that CHOSE by their "free will" to be SAVED.  These millions of church-goers are "made" to believe that their WILL is "FREE" from ANY spiritual force or power that would otherwise "force" their choices in this temporary life.  BUT IS THIS THE TRUTH? 


As was pointed out; ALL spirits are in the divine CONTROL of the all-powerful and all-knowing sovereign God.  I believe that the secret invisible realm of "spirits" are NOT personal "fallen angels", or personal "devils" and "UN"-clean spirits that are able to "possess" the thoughts of unsuspecting people simply to TORMENT them as taught today as a "christian" doctrine! 


I also believe that the terms, "Satan" and "devil" are simply TWO evil SPIRITS that the sovereign God CONTROLS for HIS purpose during this temporary evil world/AGE of clever LIES and deceptions!  Millions of church-goers are "made" to believe in PERSONAL "fallen angels", "devils", "UN"-clean spirits, and in a PERSONAL "Satan the devil".  BUT IS THIS THE TRUTH? 


The term, "Satan the devil" is NOT found in our KJ Bibles!  But the Devil "AND" Satan is found in Rev 12:9 and 20:2; which biblically points to TWO evil SPIRITS, and NOT to ONE personal evil spirit BEING!  The un-biblical term, "Satan the devil" was "invented" so as to "PROVE" the "christain" doctrine of a PERSONAL "fallen angel" that became Satan "THE" devil. 


Sure, from reading the written "letter" of our beloved KJ Bibles it does appear that "Satan" is ONE personal evil spirit BEING, but it also appears that the "devil" is ALSO ONE personal evil spirit BEING!  So HOW can TWO personal evil spirit BEINGS "mysteriously" be only ONE personal evil spirit BEING? 


The written "letter" of the Bible "kills" (renders useless) the "spirit" (vital principle) that gives LIFE…. 


2Corinthians 3:6 KJV Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life


It could be said that the written "letter" ALSO kills (renders useless) the "spirit of truth" simply because it is NOT written as the "LETTER" of truth!  The "spirit of truth" is divinely designed to spiritually MOVE our THOUGHTS to properly DISCERN when the Bible is to be read "literally" (of the written "letter"), or to be read as a "parable" (G3850); which means a "fictitious narrative" (a "story" of FICTION), or to be read in a "symbolic" and "figurative" way that LEADS to spiritual TRUTH! 


Spiritual TRUTH is indeed very precious; which is WHY the sovereign God has INSPIRED certain statements as parables, as figurative "language", and as "symbols" so as to deliberately HIDE precious TRUTH for a divine PURPOSE!  The WHOLE book of Revelation was written as signs and symbols that are NOT designed to be read "literally" (of the "letter"), and these signs and symbols can ONLY be unraveled by the "spirit of truth".  John wrote about the "spirit of truth" in these four scriptures…. 


John 14:17 KJV Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. 


John 15:26 KJV But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: 


John 16:13 KJV Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. 


1John 4:6 KJV We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.  


First of all, John 14:17 says that the "world" CANNOT receive (accept) the "Spirit of truth".  So WHAT is the "world"?  It is the "kosmos" world (G2889); which means "orderly arrangement", or could simply be called the "world" that was "orderly arranged" by sinful man.  Yes, the "world" of sinful man has indeed "arranged" all its teachings in an "orderly" way; which explains WHY all the TEACHINGS of the "world" of sinful man are indeed BELIEVED as supposed "truth"!  Spiritual common sense tells us that IF we are "of the world" we CANNOT receive (accept) the "Spirit of truth"!  This is very serious, folks! 


Yes of course, anyone that is "of the world" will THINK like the "world" of sinful man, and also anyone "of the world" will LOVE the "world" and the "things" in the world (1John 2:15).  The "world" also includes ALL the religions of sinful man, which ALSO includes the "christian" religion, and also anyone that BELIEVES the "science" that was "orderly arranged" by sinful man that supposedly "explains" a creation of order and design. 


Ungodly men have "orderly arranged" this science to be very believable, but these ungodly men do NOT acknowledge the TRUE God, and totally IGNORE scripture!  We were all "made" to NEVER QUESTION these ungodly men with their "theories" and "discoveries" in the vast "endless" physical "universe".  But these highly "intelligent" ungodly men CANNOT explain the physical concept of "endless" since "outer space" would have NO END!  These ungodly men have "orderly arranged" the science of "black holes", "supernovas", and other "objects" in BILLIONS of galaxies with up to 400 BILLION stars in EACH galaxy in unimaginable sizes and distances, and "new" planets are continually being "discovered"!  BUT IS THIS THE TRUTH? 


So WHO is the "HIM" in John 14:17 that the "world" CANNOT receive (accept) since it seeth "him" not neither knowth "him"?  Yes, our beloved KJ Bibles calls the "Spirit of truth" (capital S) as a "him", "he", and as "himself" (John 15:26 and 16:13).  But notice how John 15:26 is worded; "even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me".  This implies that the Father could indeed be the personal "HE". 


Notice WHO truly bears witness (testifies) of Jesus Christ.... 


John 8:18 KJV I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me. 


Both Jesus Christ and the Father were witnesses (testified) of Jesus Christ, but a mysterious third "person" of God (known as the "christian" doctrine of the "trinity") was "mysteriously" NOT included.  John 15:26 said that the "Comforter" was the "Spirit of truth" that was to testify (G3140) (to be a witness) of Jesus Christ.  So by combining both John 8:18 and 15:26 proves that the "Comforter" and the "Spirit of truth" are indeed identified as Jesus Christ and His Father that testified of Jesus Christ; which would disprove this mysterious third "person" of God as being the "Comforter" and also as the "Spirit of truth". 


Millions of church-goers are "made" to believe and to never QUESTION that a mysterious third "person" of God is indeed the "Holy Ghost" (Holy Spirit) that dwells with and in the hearts of TRUE believers, and this mysterious third "person" of God supposedly "explains" the "triune" God.  BUT IS THIS THE TRUTH? 


It is ONLY Jesus Christ and His Father that spiritually dwells WITH and IN the hearts of TRUE believers, and NOT a mysterious third "person" of God!  The "spirit of truth" should INSPIRE us to BELIEVE what is plainly stated in John 14:23…. 


John 14:23 KJV Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.


The word "abode" (G3438 and G3306) simply means staying, abiding, or DWELLING in a residence.  In other words, the "WE" are simply Christ and His Father (a mysterious third "person" of God is NOT included) that will "come" and make their "home" in those that truly LOVE Christ and truly KEEPS Christ’s words.  Since the "spirit of truth" is from the Father then of course it would be the "Holy Spirit" FROM the Father (along with the spirit of Jesus Christ) that "stays", "abides" and "dwells" with, but also dwells "IN" the hearts of TRUE believers (John 14:17).  The "HOLY" Spirit simply means the HOLY "vital principle" that is to be "set aside" for a HOLY use of the sovereign God.  It is NOT the HOLY "vital principle" that is to be "set aside" for a HOLY use of a mysterious third "person" of God! 


God’s Holy Spirit is "set aside" for the HOLY use to be the spiritual FORCE and POWER that controls, regulates, and maintains all of CREATION!  God’s Holy Spirit is also "set aside" for the HOLY use to be the spiritual FORCE and POWER that MOVES and INSPIRES the hearts of those that the sovereign God CHOOSES, and NOT the "free will" CHOICE of man! 


Notice this REVEALING and most interesting scripture.... 


John 20:22 KJV And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: 


When Jesus Christ "breathed" on the apostles He was simply blowing the "flowing movement" of a small "blast of air" (G4151) on the apostles, and they then received the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) in their hearts.  Spiritual common sense tells us that the apostles DID NOT receive the SPIRIT (flowing movement) of a mysterious third "person" of God! 


Solomon (the wisest man) explains a revealing and most interesting TRUTH about the "spirit of MAN" that was GIVEN and came FROM the sovereign God…. 


Ecclesiastes 3:21 KJV Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth? 


Ecclesiastes 12:7 KJV Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. 


Man ALSO has a "spirit" that is given by God, but it is ridiculous to believe that man has a mysterious third "person" that goes upward to "RE"-turn back to God!  Of course, the "spirit of MAN" identifies the "vital principle" of MAN, and the sovereign God also has a spirit called His "Holy Spirit" that identifies the HOLY "vital principle" of the sovereign God!  But what does the sovereign God DO with all these spirits that "RE"-turn back to Him? 


Could it be that the sovereign God will sometime in the future "RE"-store these spirits back to man when man is JUDGED at his resurrection?  Of course, PROPER judgment HAS to be based on the spirit ("vital principle") that determines the BELIEF and behavior of ALL human souls, and this could be WHY the "spirit of MAN" will be "RE"-stored back to MAN. 


The "Comforter" is (yes, IS) The Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit)…. 


John 14:26 KJV But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 


But notice "another" Comforter that Christ ALSO mentioned…. 


John 14:16-18 KJV (16) And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (17) Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (18) I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.  


Christ as ONE "Comforter" would not leave the apostles "comfortless", and Christ DID say "I" (the PERSON of Christ) was to "come" to the apostles.  But John 14:23 explained that it is BOTH Christ and His Father that will "come" and make their "abode" (their "home") in the hearts of the apostles.  So HOW could this mysterious third "person" of God be the "Comforter", but yet STILL be "another" Comforter? 


The "spirit of truth" comes FROM the Father (John 15:26); which would indeed identify the Father as "another" Comforter.  The Father and Jesus Christ therefore are TWO "Comforters", but millions of church-goers are "made" to BELIEVE that the mysterious third "person" of God IS "the" (one) "Comforter" as "skillfully" taught by many "credible" pastors.  BUT IS THIS THE TRUTH? 


The Concordant Literal Version identifies the "spirit of truth" as a NON-personal "it" FIVE times and also as "it"-self…. 


John 16:13 CLV Yet whenever that may be coming - the spirit of truth -it will be guiding you into all the truth, for it will not be speaking from itself, but whatsoever it should be hearing will it be speaking, and of what is coming will it be informing you." 


Spiritual common sense tells us that this NON-personal "it" could NOT be a PERSONAL "who"!  Of course, "it" would be the "spirit of truth" (Holy Spirit) FROM the Father and will NOT speak from "it"-self, but speaks what it hears FROM the Father. 


The "spirit of truth" is a SPIRIT that identifies the TRUTH of the HOLY "vital principle" of the Father, and NOT a mysterious third "person" of God!  Yes, "it" would be the Holy Spirit that was to GUIDE the apostles unto ALL TRUTH (John 16:13).  Therefore "it" could NOT be this mysterious third "person" of God, and "it" was SENT by the Father, so of course "it" (the Holy Spirit) would NOT be speaking FROM "it"-self!  Now think about this!


So why did the KJ translators decide to identify the "Holy Ghost" as a personal "he", a personal "him", and also as a personal "himself" (KJV John 16:13) INSTEAD of simply as a NON-personal "it"?  Could it be that they believed that the "Holy Ghost" was indeed this mysterious third "person" of God, so therefore they translated so as to SUPPORT the "Holy Ghost" doctrine?  This false doctrine means that The "Holy Ghost" had to be a "person" since ONLY a "person" could COMFORT, teach, and GUIDE the apostles unto ALL TRUTH.  But there were TWO "Comforters" and TWO "persons" that were biblically identified as Jesus Christ and His Father! 


It is common knowledge that the HOLY "trinity" doctrine came from the false teachings of ancient Babylon, and the term, Holy Ghost was used to identify a HOLY PERSON.  But the term, Holy Ghost is "mysteriously" NOT found in the vast majority of other Bibles!  Carefully read the link, "Babylon" on my web site. 


Pontius Pilate asked Jesus Christ this most interesting question; "What is truth"?  But it is NOT biblically recorded that Jesus Christ answered Pilate, and it was only when Pilate asked "What is truth?" that he declared; "I find in him no fault at all"…. 


John 18:37-38 KJV (37) Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. (38) Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. 


"No fault" of course means that Christ was NOT a criminal and NOT guilty of the Jewish death penalty!  Christ said that He came to bear witness unto "THE" TRUTH, and that "everyone that is of "THE" TRUTH heareth (takes notice) of my voice".  Pilate obviously did NOT know what "THE" TRUTH was, which prompted him to ask, "What is truth"?  But he also was NOT "of the truth" to "hear" (take notice) of Christ’s voice, but I find it "unusual" that he still declared the innocence of Jesus Christ! 


So what was "THE" TRUTH that Jesus Christ came to bear witness of (or to testify of)?  It could very well be that "THE" TRUTH had to do with all (yes, "ALL") TRUTH that the "spirit of truth" (Holy Spirit) was to GUIDE the apostles to (John 16:13).  I believe ALL TRUTH is truth in its completeness and fullness that pointed to the sovereign God that became FLESH in the person of Jesus Christ that gave HIS LIFE to COMPLETE the fullness of the PERFECT sacrifice!  This perfect sacrifice was the propitiation (atonement) that COVERED not only the sins of TRUE believers, but ALSO covered the sins of the WHOLE WORLD, as plainly stated in this most important scripture…. 


1John 2:2 KJV And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 


Our modern churches confess to BELIEVE what 1John 2:2 is saying, but they ALSO believe that ONLY a very FEW believers OUT of the whole world will ever be SAVED since they used their "mysterious" POWER of "free will" to choose to be SAVED.  The PERFECT sacrifice and PERFECT atonement of Jesus Christ was indeed effective that indeed COVERED the sins of the whole world!  But WHEN will Christ’s perfect sacrifice be truly effective to be truly experienced by the WHOLE WORLD? 


Millions of church-goers are NOT AWARE of the future "ages of the ages"; which is when the fullness of Christ’s PERFECT sacrifice and atonement will be completed for the whole world during the FUTURE glorious "ages of ages" when the whole world of ALL mankind will eventually be SAVED!  Some honest study is required to KNOW that the MISLEADING KJ term, "for ever and ever" simply means "ages of the ages"; which is the correct term.  For what it’s worth, this CORRECT term, "ages of the ages" is found 19 times in Young’s Literal Translation, and is also found 20 times in the Weymouth translation. 


According to Jesus Christ (John 18:37) it is ONLY those of "THE" TRUTH that are ABLE to "hear" the voice (words) of Jesus Christ.  So what determines anyone to be of "THE" TRUTH?  It is anyone that spiritually "hears" and BELIEVES the words of Jesus Christ.  It is also anyone that is INSPIRED by the "spirit of truth"; which gives the discernment to identify the LIES, clever "half-truths", and deceptions that supposedly explains "political" truth, "spiritual" truth, and also "scientific" truth. 


Notice another REVEALING and most interesting scripture…. 


1John 2:27 KJV But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. 


This "anointing" is G5545; which means "special endowment"; which could be defined as to "transfer a gift", and in this case the GIFT would the "spirit of truth" (Holy Spirit) that is "transferred" to TRUE believers, and this is WHY there is NO NEED that any MAN teach TRUE believers!  This is incredible! 


Yes of course, the Holy Spirit ("it") will teach TRUE believers so that TRUE believers abide in "him" (the Father).  The Holy Spirit ("it") is sent FROM the Father that teaches TRUE believers "all things", and guides TRUE believers unto ALL TRUTH in its completeness and fullness!  But man of course can indeed be inspired to teach spiritual TRUTH to TRUE believers, but man is UNABLE to do the REAL "anointing" (the transfer of the GIFT of the Holy Spirit), and yes, it is the Holy Spirit ("it") that truly TEACHES true believers spiritual TRUTH for the divine PURPOSE so that they STAY (abide) in "him" (the Father). 


Here is another revealing and most interesting scripture…. 


1John 2:21 KJV I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.


TRUE believers of John’s day ALREADY knew "THE" TRUTH!  But John STILL had to write to instruct them to keep "THE" TRUTH "active" and "alive" in their hearts and THOUGHTS!  John instructed them also that "NO LIE" is of "THE" TRUTH; which meant that they were to be very careful NOT to "mix" ANY LIE with "THE" TRUTH so as to keep "THE" TRUTH in its pureness


"THE" TRUTH has to be PURE (unmixed and unadulterated) simply because our hearts and thoughts MUST also NOT be mixed or adulterated with ANY LIE, or ANY clever "half-truth", or ANY clever deception.  This is WHY TRUE believers are to resist and denounce ALL the false TEACHINGS of this highly deceptive evil world/AGE!  TRUE believers simply CANNOT be LED by the "spirit of truth" if (yes, IF) they believe ANY LIE that is cleverly disguised as "truth" that is "orderly arranged" by the "world" of sinful man.  Spiritual common sense tells us that to LOVE the "world" is to BELIEVE the "world" with all its false TEACHINGS that are cleverly mixed and adulterated with "political" LIES, "spiritual" LIES, and also "scientific" LIES! 


The Spirit "itself" (yes, "IT"-self) witnesses with OUR spirit simply because OUR spirit was GIVEN by the sovereign God…. 


Romans 8:16 KJV The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:


But the KJ translators "mysteriously" were NOT consistent by using the PERSONAL "HIM"-self (KJV John 16:13) INSTEAD of using the NON-personal "IT"-self, as they did in Romans 8:16 to identify "THE" Spirit" (Holy Spirit)!  Now think about this!  


This now brings us to this most crucial question; how can we truly know that what we sincerely BELIEVE as TRUTH is indeed TRUTH?  The answer is this; we simply CANNOT KNOW that what we believe is indeed TRUTH if (yes, IF) we are "of the world" and have "closed" minds! 


1John 4:6 talks about the "spirit of truth", but ALSO talks about the "spirit of ERROR"…. 


1John 4:6 KJV We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. 


These TWO spirits are in a spiritual WAR with our hearts and THOUGHTS for a divine PURPOSE!  They BOTH inspire the "flowing movement" of our THOUGHTS that INSPIRES our BELIEF and behavior.  John explains that if (yes, IF) we "hear" (G191) (understand) the apostles we will then KNOW which spirit LEADS us to TRUTH, and which spirit LEADS us to ERROR; such as the ERROR of "political" LIES, the ERROR of "spiritual" LIES, and also the ERROR of "scientific" LIES. 


The apostles were "of God" since they intimately KNEW God, and anyone that did NOT "hear" (understand) the words of the apostles were NOT "of God"!  So HOW can we KNOW if (yes, IF) we are indeed "of God" so that we indeed have spiritual "ears" to be ABLE to "hear" (understand) the apostles?  The answer is simply this; to intimately "KNOW God" is to KNOW the "vital principle" of God; which in turn is to KNOW the CORRECT doctrines that DEFINE His "vital principle"! 


To the degree that we KNOW the "vital principal" of the sovereign God is the degree that the "spirit of truth" will GUIDE us unto ALL TRUTH in its completeness and fullness.  Also to the degree that we LOVE the world and BELIEVE the false teachings of the world is the degree that our minds are either "open" or "closed" to either accept OR ignore obvious TRUTH and obvious FACTS! 


So the next question is the SAME question that Pilate asked Jesus Christ; WHAT IS TRUTH?  Here is the answer…. 


John 17:17 KJV Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. 


God’s word is TRUTH, so WHAT is God’s "word"?  "Thy word" is found many times in our Bibles, but it is NOT referring to the "written" words of our Bibles!  God’s "word" is simply the "spoken" POWER of the sovereign God that also "speaks" spiritual TRUTH to our hearts and thoughts. 


Notice a most revealing TRUTH about the "Word" (of God)…. 


John 14:6 KJV Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 


John 1:14 KJV And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 


A most important "spoken" POWER of the "Word" was that it was made FLESH in the person of Jesus Christ; which is (yes, IS) "THE" TRUTH, so therefore the "Word" certainly is NOT the written words in out beloved KJ Bible, or ANY Bible!  The person of Jesus Christ ALSO spiritually DWELT among the apostles, and the PERSON of Jesus Christ ALSO is FULL of grace and TRUTH.  Yes, "THE" TRUTH is (yes, IS) the nature, character, intent, will, and yes, the "vital principle" of the PERSON of Jesus Christ! 


The only way we can intimately KNOW Jesus Christ and His Father is to KNOW the "vital principle" of BOTH Jesus Christ and His Father, and they BOTH are ONE ("vital principle")…. 


John 10:30 KJV I and my Father are one. 


Yes, the ONE "vital principle" identifies the ONE TRUE GOD, and the personal "him", the personal "he", and the personal "himself" are "mysteriously" NOT included with the ONE "vital principle" of the ONE TRUE GOD.  The ONLY way to eventually and truly KNOW the ONE TRUE GOD is to "walk in truth".... 


3John 1:4 KJV I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 


There was NO greater JOY (yes, NO greater JOY) for John than to hear that his children (converts) were taking "spiritual steps" toward spiritual TRUTH!  They were taking "spiritual steps" to denounce the "orderly arrangement" of the "world" of sinful man of their day in history.  They were denouncing the "Jewish" and "Gentile" RELIGIONS of their day, and denouncing what they were all "made" to believe as supposed "truth" all their lives.  They were taking "spiritual steps" to SEEK for TRUTH that caused John this GREAT JOY, simply because there is NO GREATER spiritual VALUE than to SEEK for TRUTH! 


Our SPIRIT goes "upward" to "RE"-turn back to God at the death of our bodies, and this GREAT JOY could be when our spirit will be "RE"-stored back to us when we are SAVED with NEW spiritual bodies!  ALL human souls truly BELONG to God, making God responsible for ALL human souls…. 


Ezekiel 18:4 KJV Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. 


Yes, ALL human souls will DIE simply because ALL human souls do SIN, and at DEATH the spirits of ALL human souls go upward to "RE"-turn back to God.  The spirits of ALL human souls have a "built-in" ABILITY to receive (accept) "THE" TRUTH simply because the "spirit of MAN" was GIVEN by the sovereign God; which is where and how "THE" TRUTH comes FROM!  By "RE"-storing the spirits back to ALL human souls will make them all ALIVE again to be JUDGED and chastised (maybe severely) that will CORRECT all human souls to accept "THE" TRUTH! 


But we all have the "built-in" ABILITY to accept "THE" TRUTH in this life, and this is WHY there is NO greater VALUE than to SEEK for TRUTH in this life!  This is also WHY we should take "spiritual steps" to denounce what we were all "made" to BELIEVE as supposed "truth" all our lives, which includes ALL religions, and ALSO includes the "christain" religion.  But of course, we are NOT to denounce the TRUE FAITH in the PERFECT sacrifice of Christ.  We are ONLY to denounce the "religious" practice of RITUALS, the "christian" false doctrines, the world’s false ways, and PAGAN customs; which were all ADDED to the TRUE FAITH hundreds of years after Christ’s death that corrupted the TRUE FAITH into just being another RELIGION! 


Notice what the apostle James WARNED about being a "friend" to the world…. 


James 4:4 KJV Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.


This is very serious, folks!  To be a "friend" (G5384) of the world is to be actively FOND of the world.  This "fondness" is to LOVE the world, and to be actively involved with the world’s false teachings, false ways, and pagan customs, and we then become an ENEMY of God!  But God will have NO ENEMIES during the glorious "ages of the ages"!  To become an ENEMY (G2190) of God is to be HATEFUL, or actively hostile, or to be an adversary (a "Satan") toward God.  Yes, a "Satan"! 


In conclusion; IF we SEEK for TRUTH in this life we will be much better "equipped" to teach the HOLY "vital principle" of God in the COMING AGE to prepare and "equip" human souls to be saved!  I know it is very HARD to "let go" of the world’s false teachings that we were all "made" to BELIEVE, but it will be well WORTH it!  If (yes, IF) we truly "let go" of the world’s false teachings, false ways, and pagan customs we might indeed qualify as "firstfruits" for the glorious FIRST resurrection!  But we MUST choose by our "self-will" (NOT by our "free will") to be spiritually LED by the "spirit of truth" in this temporary life!


By Mahlon Wickey  Sept 2019


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